Finland - SA - Suomi
Fieldphone Cable Drum Carrier
A few photos below of an all-but-finished repair to the metal frame of a Cable Drum Carrier, for the SA Field Telephone sets.
The straps that were present on the metal frame were very worn & damaged, with some parts missing, so a full replacement was needed.
There is a small repair still needed to the lower arm on one side, and there should be a D-shaped leather pad on the upper part of the frame - still awaiting confirmation from a contact in Finland about the dimensions of this before I manufacture it.
Once the broken metal limb has been fixed the carrier will get a new coat of paint ready for the 2024 show season!
Other than those two issues, the leather harness of the carrier has been replaced and used to good effect at UK events for a couple of years now. Not too obvious in the photos, but the leather used was based on the original damaged straps, so it is a green shade on the upper surface, with the inner surface dyed a shade of brown to blend in better and take off the newness of the straps.
A good job I had a healthy supply of copper hose rivets handy!
A skill I am now quite good at, given the amount of wartime kit that used hose rivets for faster manufacture with lower skilled workforces.
I wish I had a good source of the metal clips and fittings used on a lot of the Finnish items, such as the ones shown here!